The stories here are from my experiences. Everything posted here is true to the best of my knowledge and memory. *DISCLAIMER – Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely intentional, since it IS my life. And while no malice is intended, some parties may be offended. For that reason some names may be changed to protect the embarrassed (or maybe they won’t)…
Bye Bye Turkey
The Rifleman
Stories My Dad Told Me
St Paddy’s Day
Why Do I Write
Sports And My Mom
Valentine’s Day
Sammi And Gonkers
Happy Birthday To Me
Kid Stories
Do You Own Cheap Stuff?
When The Dog Barked
Breakfast at Bickford’s
Frank Davis Resort
Mrs. Robinson
The Sweetest Lady I Ever Knew
The Ex
The Great Turtle Hunter
The Bum That Goes Squirt
Who’s Chasing You
First Time Parents
It’s Too Late
Walking Dead
More Walking Dead